Exploration unlocks the structure and quality of the deposits which answers to the viability or otherwise of assets. PolyGuard Investment Nigeria Limited exploration activities had revealed arrays of Major industrial and base minerals principal among them are Barite Lead and Zinc Ore.
Mining methods to be used to win the minerals is revealed after exploration. Our near surface deposits are best mined through open cast drilling, blasting and hauling system with hydraulic.
Given the uniqueness of our multi-products (lateritic Soils, shale, sandstone, barite galena and shalerite, etc.) nature of deposits, size reduction and separation are essential for controlled client’s supply that adheres strictly to agreed supply terms and conditions
We carry out mechanization of Agro-allied value-chain development through Best Agronomic Practices (BAP) to achieve food security
We render small credit facilities to small scale farmers and smallholder businesses in order to improve the standard of living of rural farmers to ensure food Security and boost the economic activities in Benue State
Our experience in the sector may assist your plan, project or projections. Kindly contact us to further discussions.